
A Simply Perfect Wedding Day | Experience the Celebration Together

With over 30 years of experience photographing the most beautiful weddings, we have lots of advice to share! Having a simply perfect wedding day will look different for every couple. But, there’s one golden rule that you’d never take the time to think about, let alone plan for or strategize about: EXPERIENCE THE CELEBRATION TOGETHER!

Can you imagine not spending time with your bride on your special day? Or, coming to the end of the reception and wondering what your groom has been up to for the past three hours? Sounds ridiculous, right? But, it can all-too-easy become your reality. Here’s our strategies that we share with our couples on how to ensure they enjoy their wedding reception together that we think are pretty darn important and apply to everyone!

Londontown Gardens wedding photographer Maryland Rodney Bailey photography

Here’s the SCHEME we give our bride and grooms:

S is for stare: Stand close to each other at the altar and stare into each other’s eyes. This will be the last time until the limo ride to the honeymoon suite that you’ll have each other’s undivided attention.

C is for contagious: Remember, fun is contagious…if you are having a blast, so will your guests. They came to celebrate YOU and your bride/groom, so make sure you’re celebrating too.

Londontown Gardens wedding photographer Maryland Rodney Bailey photography

H is for hold hands: Remember to hold hands and stay near each other throughout the reception. The day goes by so very fast, so experience each part of your wedding day with the one you chose to marry. This will help slow things down. Not to mention, it will create lasting memories that you both had of the night together.

E is for Emotions: Smile, laugh, cry, hug, kiss, dance…fill your wedding day with these emotions. Don’t sweat the small stuff. At the end of the day, if you married the one you love, the day was a success!

M is for moment: Stay in the moment. Be the host, not the planner. Have the time of your life!

Londontown Gardens wedding photographer Maryland Rodney Bailey photography
Londontown Gardens wedding photographer Maryland Rodney Bailey photography
